This phrase has been ringing in my spirit, and I am led to share this because I believe someone needs to hear it. The word latter is referred to as concluding a time or period.

Seeing our latter as greater gives us an epiphany of hope. Having hope is like traveling to a destination with the anticipation of what it will look like when we arrive. Sometimes when we are living in what I call “Special Seasons”, it can seem almost unbearable, and we need a glimpse of relief to remind us that it won’t always be like this.
Often times, I can relate to this especially when I am facing certain circumstances or situations. To overcome obstacles in our lives, we can view the latter as a light of betterment. Things in life come; and go but they rarely remain the same. Which means our current status will eventually change as days go by.
At times, grief can be one of the hardest things to face in life because it is an immediate hit to the heart. Being heartbroken is a downward shift that many find hard to recover from. Some people are stronger than others, and can get past the pain in shorter periods of time – where some find it hard to accept that there is LIGHT in the latter.
A few years back, I recall when I experienced a major shift in my life due to someone passing. Immediately, I became emotionally stressed to the point that I could not even imagine feeling better... day in and out. I wanted to wake up in the morning, and NOT have this situation be the first thought in the forefront of my day. My thoughts were racing like a movie stuck on replay, wondering if this heartache would ever go away. Then having to experience all the debris from the tragic impact seemed more severe than life itself.
But God; in all of His infinite ways will send a light of comfort to calm any storm we are faced with. He uses people to deliver the whispers of words that have the power to change our state of mind on-demand.

For me, the whisper of words from others that was spoken delivered a recipe of healing. When we can receive in our heart, and know in our spirit within that our LATTER WILL BE GREATER than our current situation –our view and emotions have to change. Therefore, our results.
When our view changes, it is because the eyes of our heart is being enlightened. Our heart is in the core of our inner being. It is the hub of our thoughts and right judgment. Keeping the eyes of our heart informed allows us to see the reality of our hope, which is what our lives are all about.
I had to understand that our lives do not belong to us. It is a proven fact. We had no control over when we are born, nor when our lives end here in the earth.
I must emphasize that enlightenment brings much peace. When we can receive the wisdom and revelation of life, it will always point to a greater hope. Our hope is future-centric. I am reminded of one of my favorite scriptures that has carried me through many of my life circumstances:
The eyes of your understanding being enlightened;
that ye may know what the hope of his calling
… Ephesians 1:18
Some translations say the eyes of our understanding, and others say our heart be enlightened –both meaning our inner part. God desires us to have wisdom, knowledge and great understanding in the hidden part of our being.
This does not mean that we won’t go through the process of hurting, sadness and other emotional impacts, even Jesus mourned, but we cannot stay there too long. If we do, it can lead to a deeper state of darkness that can be more challenging for recovery.
Nevertheless, the light of hope breaks through darkness of despair because of the power of light. The Bible tells us that darkness cannot comprehend the light (John 1:5). I love it! Not sure about others, but I do not like being in the dark.
Being in a state of depression, anguish, or grief is a place of darkness in desperate need of light. Genesis 1 tells us that the first act that God did in the beginning of creation was to speak; “Let there be light”: and there was light. It is so important that we have LIGHT in our lives. I mean why would we want to live without it?
To see the light of hope in our situations helps carry us into a place of encouragement, strength and peace. Notice that there is light in the morning, and it is new every day – that’s how hope is.
I am speaking volumes today, with this message that OUR LATTER WILL BE GREATER than our past!!
Let us know, Let us pursue the knowledge of the Lord. His going forth is established as the morning; He will come to us like the rain, Like the latter and former rain to the earth. Hosea 6:3
