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The Desires of our Heart

Writer's picture: Rhonda G. AndersonRhonda G. Anderson

Do we really want to know how to receive the desires of our heart?

This article is a life-changing key. The message tells us how important the desires of our heart truly are.

Psalm 37:4 Delight thyself also in the Lord: and he shall give thee the desires of thine heart.

It is a wonderful thing to receive the desires of our heart. However, the most important part of that scripture above is the first part; Delighting myself in the LORD. This psalm has a two-fold approach: we gratify God, and then He gives to us.

When I finally figured out that the more I took pleasure in the things of God, my desires started to change. When I started seeking HIM about His desires first in prayer; guess what happened? Because I purposed in my heart to focus on him first, God still gave me other desires that were purposed in my heart.

One of my Stories

I remember one day I was driving and pulled up at a light, and glancing over beside me, there was a really nice car. As I looked at the car, I thought about how pretty the car was even the color was beautiful.

Afterwards, I really didn’t think any more about it. One day maybe a year later, I drove on the car lot just browsing at cars, and I saw one I liked, and after test driving it, I decided to continue with the process. Well, long story short I purchased the car.

Later while driving the car, the Holy Spirit reminded me that it was the same kind of car I saw and how much I liked it.

I said to myself, “wow I didn’t even remember that when buying the car.” I heard in my spirit – “you didn’t have to ask…I already knew what was in your heart." I became so full, and tears flowed down my face, and I said, “Thank you God!” Now, that’s love! When we don’t have to ask…Our Father in heaven just gives it to us.

This is only one-way He gives us the desires of our heart.

God wants to do this for us all the time. When we seek God first, He will add things to us (Matthew 6:33). I finally realized that waiting on God’s purpose for my life was far better than me pursuing temporary desires.

How to identify purpose driven desires?

When God shows us our purpose, He is showing us His will for our life. However, it is up to us to embrace it. When we look back over our lives, we can usually see how God have divinely favored us for a purpose –even in those times when we face adversity.

Even JUDAS had a purpose.

When our desires are not mapped to Gods will they can be temporary desires. We do not have to search for purpose desires because they are already within us.

The passion inside of us is stirred when there is a purposed desire. That yearning will place a continuous call until we answer it, or let it die inside of us.

If you are ready for truth, this one might spike your thoughts a bit…

Our desire or pleasure is supposed to be in the things of God. Not that we shouldn’t desire things – it’s just all desires are not good-desires. Some desires are fueled by something else called our "flesh." Which is very temporary.

The things of God concerning our lives will always point to PURPOSE.

Purpose led desires will build upon one another to help us reach our destiny. We know this because short-lived desires are subject to change without notice before they are fulfilled. Purpose filled desires will align with the will of God to build us up.

Purpose desires also give birth to process. Some processes we go through can be very hard because of the impact it has to God’s plan for our lives.

Remember, our purpose desires are only ONE piece of the puzzle called "life." There are many pieces to God’s masterpiece.

We can relate to how it is when some of those puzzle pieces don’t fit. They appear to be the right shape …, but it’s not the right one. So we keep trying the pieces until we find the right one that does fit.

What can happen when our heart is right?

I really like the narrative about King Solomon (2 Chronicles 1:11), when it comes to our heart’s desire.

When God appeared to Solomon, and said to him “What shall I give you?” Solomon answered with his heart’s desire:

He replied with asking for wisdom to judge the people of Israel. I love God’s response...“because this was in your HEART” to be able to judge the people –God granted him GREAT WISDOM and knowledge. He also ADDED to Solomon riches and honor. He did not have to ask for the extra – but God divinely blessed him with those also. This was because his heart was mapped to God’s will.

Our heart is one of the most important organs we have because it connects us spiritually. The Bible tells us that God looks at our heart to know the mind of our spirit (Jeremiah 17:10, Romans 8:27).

It’s funny how we try to cover up what's in our heart with others, but we cannot hide anything from God. He is the ONLY ONE that sees inside our heart to know the truth about us –no matter how much we try to cover it up.

Solomon’s purpose, just like ours was predestined. Once purpose becomes our heart’s desire, it will jointly fit like a glove causing us to excel in our life –just like it did for King Solomon.

Our heart’s desire tells OUR STORY…let us aim to keep the desires of our heart in God’s will, so we can LIVE in our God given PURPOSE.


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